You are browsing the February, 2011 archive.


Deceitful, Despicable and Disgusting

February 25, 2011 by Mary Ireland

I thought I’d play on the alliteration of Dr. Grandma’s last blog, Feet, Forks and Fat — Protecting Our Children to express my reaction to the information in Killer at Large: Why Obesity Is America’s Greatest Threat. There is a lot of great information in this documentary and it leads me to consider the actions […]

Feet, Forks, Fat – Protecting our Children

February 23, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses why we need to replace calorie dense food with foods close to nature to help our children out of the childhood obesity epidemic.

Shrove Tuesday Is in a Week

February 21, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma posts a little reminder of Shrove Tuesday.

Leading the Pack

February 18, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland talks about the importance of exercise for children.

Don’t Sell Our Kids Short – Avoid Number Two

February 16, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses foods that are advertised for kids. In addition, she shares a recipe for Lemony Tarragon Chicken Vegetable Soup.

Sweetheart, Your Heart Is So Very Dear to Me

February 11, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma shares information to help you sustain a healthy heart. In addition, she shares a recipe for Curly Mustard Greens and Onions – part of a heart healthy meal.

This is NEAT!

February 9, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses NEAT ways to burn calories and up your metabolism without exercising. She also shares a recipe for Delightful Flourless Orange Cake.

Sugar Time

February 4, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses the number of Americans afflicted by lifestyle related illnesses as reported in the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, the role of added sugars and the Erythritol alternative.

Singing ‘Get Off Your SoFAS’

February 2, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma reviews the highlights of the new Dietary Guidelines. In addition, she shares a recipe for Lively Colorful Fruits, Vegetables and Wheat Berries.