April 2, 2019 by Joyce Bunderson
Have you ever been responsible for a three to five-year-old? It’s been many years for me, but I still remember the Potty Mouth stage when just the word poo could instigate a tad of hysteria. It actually was an amusing phase. I can’t remember the subsequent phases that may have included increasingly vulgar words which […]
Tags: Exercise, fiber, Healthy Eating
June 13, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
Today, I think I’ll start with a confession; staying hydrated has been a long-time challenge for me. This is not a lack of understanding; this is just a habit problem. I’m a strong proponent for the idea that we can build new habits. I’ve done much better in the past few years on hydration, but […]
Tags: Health Claims
May 9, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
Yes, I know nutrition news, with its conflicting and rapid changes, can be confusing. Yes, I’ve heard hundreds of times that there are so many confusing pieces of nutrition advice. But not all of it comes from reputable scientific studies. Let me try to make some very complex new opinions and research as understandable as […]
Tags: Exercise, Foodland, Healthy Eating, heart health, Mediterranean kitchen, Reduce cardiovascular disease risk
June 21, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
I know that some of us had plans to lose weight and be at out perfect swimsuit weight by now; but others of us didn’t quite make it. Since we’re hopefully not trying to lose weight only for this one swimsuit season, but to maintain a healthy body and weight; it seems that this is […]
Tags: Exercise, fitness, Healthy Eating, Weight Management
April 5, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
When I work in the garden (It’s spring again – Wonderful!) or walk up a hill (Yipee! Hiking season has returned.), I realize that my body is aging. It rather creeps up on us; we don’t really notice it daily; but when we think back a few years we can notice the difference. I’m thinking […]
Tags: Enhancing Brain Function, Exercise, fitness, Health Claims, heart health, Reduce cardiovascular disease risk
February 23, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
Most of us Americans have to pay attention to our diet and exercise if we want to enjoy the benefits of good health. I remember when I was young; I’d eat big ole cheeseburgers frequently. Nothing stopped me from a big plate of pasta, meat sauce and Parmesan cheese; the meal topped off with a […]
Tags: Exercise
January 5, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
Since only 8 percent of Americans achieve their New Year’s resolutions, many are discouraged to try. But there is a considerable amount of new research that can help us learn how to get better at identifying a goal and actually reaching it. Often our goals are related to habits – lifetime habits that are taking […]
Tags: Exercise, fitness, Food Psychology, Healthy Eating, Weight Management
November 10, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson
I love science – that’s no surprise to those who know me. But having said that I also recognize that I’m not the most patient person and nutritional science is relatively a young field. I wish we could learn; and learn fast, but alas, good methodical science frequently doesn’t happen quickly. What’s brought me to […]
Tags: Health Claims, Nutrients
May 5, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson
Last week I wrote about Individual Practicality, Balance and Sustainability; I addressed the question, “Why bother?” (to exercise, that is, if it doesn’t lead to much weight loss by itself). This past week new research has been published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology; and it’s a remarkable report on recent […]
Tags: Exercise, fitness, Health Claims, Reduce cardiovascular disease risk
February 17, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and the Continuous Update Project (CUP) have released their annual risk awareness survey report. The goal of the survey is to determine how well the American public is able to separate clearly established cancer risks, from factors about which there is no such scientific consensus. Actually, it’s somewhat […]
Tags: Exercise, Health Claims, Healthy Eating, Weight Management