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Improving Your Health, the Natural Way

March 16, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses the side effects of statins and how eating whole grains have been shown to reduce total serum and LDL cholesterol.

Burning the Candle at Both Ends

March 13, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

On Sunday evening more than one billion people around the world lost an hour of sleep due to the change to Daylight Savings Time. As a result of that one-hour shift, epidemiologists can expect to see jumps in numbers of heart attacks and fatal car crashes this week. It happens every year. As a matter […]

Replenishing Nutrients After a Workout

March 9, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses the best way to replenish your body after exercise.

My Choice for All-Natural, Zero Calorie Sweetener

March 2, 2012 by Mary Ireland

I learned about the “promise of an artificial pancreas” in a recent Johns Hopkins health alert. I think that this “promise” maybe a great improvement for those with Type 1 (commonly known as Juvenile Diabetes) as well as for some with advanced Type 2 Diabetes. However, I am concerned about the device being marketed as […]

Clarifying the Muddy World of Processed Foods

February 28, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

On February 22, 2012, Caroline Scott-Thomas published her article called Processing is a dirty word – but we’ll need more of it to feed the world, in Food She begins her article by reporting on a speech given at the Global Food Safety Initiative conference in Orlando, Florida, earlier this month, by Penn State […]

Love Your Body

February 24, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses the benefits of loving your body and mindful eating.

The Sodium Wars Are Heating Up

February 21, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve just returned from a lovely, warm, relaxing week cruising in the Caribbean. You’d think that I’d be a calm as the new-fallen snow that greeted me upon my return to the mountain west. But alas, The American Heart Association (AHA); The Salt Association and the food processors are in combat. From my perspective, some […]

Just HIT It

February 17, 2012 by Mary Ireland

The title isn’t original, but I thought it was clever. HIT is the acronym for high-intensity interval training. I have mentioned interval training — which is the same thing as high-intensity interval training — in some of my previous blog posts: Getting More from Less, Getting the Most from Your Workouts, and Exercise Your Options. […]

Striking Back

February 10, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses new research that provides insight into how exercise benefits the body.

Farewell Bacon, My Dear Bacon

February 7, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Bacon and ham were almost daily offerings at my grandmother’s breakfast table, where I lived the majority of my childhood years. The smoky salty taste of bacon can still send me into a mini-ecstasy. I no longer cook bacon or ham, but I do have a piece or even two every once in a while […]