Fiber in Whole Grains

May 22, 2010 in General Nutrition by Webmaster

Fiber is an important component of whole grain and contributes to health in a number of ways. It is preventative towards colon cancer, diabetes, intestinal problems, heart disease, and obesity.

A Good Fill

Fiber swells in the stomach and creates a sensation of fullness. Fiber is not digested and slows stomach emptying. As the fiber passes through the intestine it binds with certain substances that would normally result in the production of cholesterol and removes these substances from the body. Most nutritionists and registered dietitians recommend whole grains for their patients who are striving to lose or control weight.

When low-fiber foods that have concentrated calories -- like burgers, cheese, fries, soda pop, milk shakes, pizza and so on -- are eaten, more calories are consumed before the feeling of fullness registers in the brain. The high-fiber foods like whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, fruit, and vegetables, slow digestion and provide a longer satisfaction after a meal. For those trying to keep their weight down, the message is: consume plenty of whole fruits and vegetables. When consuming grains, make them whole grains, not only to feel fuller for longer, but also for the numerous nutrients and health benefits whole grains provide.

Doctor Grandma’s mixes are made with 100 percent whole organic hard red spring wheat – the most nutritious wheat available; absolutely no white flour is added to our products. Our products are a great source of fiber and will aid in helping you achieve your nutritional and weight goals.