Summer’s Gift from Nature

August 28, 2018 in Foodland, Uncategorized by Joyce Bunderson

Is summer fruit one of the things that makes summer so wonderful? I know that that you are not being bombarded with advertisements to eat fruit. And that you, may be considering a ketogenic eating style, where fruit is limited. But the fact is that fruit is not just a plain wonderful, refreshing and flavorful gift from nature; it’s a nutritious boon to your healthy body.

Although avocados and olives are higher in calories than most fruit, these two ‘fatty fruits’ are on my list of foods I love. Fortunately, the “fat” is of a good kind. But most fruits are, however, fairly low in calories; that’s because fruit is usually about 85 percent water. Thank goodness, water is one of the few things we take into our bodies that has no calories. Hip, hip, hooray! Of course, if you dry the fruit, like raisins, dates and dried apricots, for example, you drive out most of the 85% water and condense the calories in each bite.

Fruit is a natural nutrient delivery system. It contains phytonutrients by the thousands, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. One of the bonanza benefits of fruit is that it is low in sodium and high in minerals (potassium, magnesium) that are linked to lower blood pressure. Another hip, hip, hooray!

Fruit is an easy addition to a meal or as a snack. It’s convenient to pop into a lunch sack.

If you’re on a budget, look at the fliers that are often sent in the mail advertizing produce. That way, if you don’t know the seasons for various fruit; you can see what the leading fruit picture is on the colorful advertisement. What’s in season is almost always the best bargain. One hint is to use a little of a more expensive fruit, and more of something that costs a lot less. For example, if you notice that the cantaloupe and peaches are a bargain one week; you can sprinkle some blueberries or kiwi slices in to add some interest and taste without buying lots of the more expensive fruit to make a serving.

If you have more fruit than you can use, often it can be washed and frozen. Then it’s perfect for a smoothie – maybe add some Greek yogurt and some sweet bananas and whatever fruit’s in the freezer – a little milk and a whirl or two. Voila! Also, popping frozen berries or chunks of frozen fruit into oatmeal and microwaving is a great way to use some of summer’s bounty.

I personally love fruit and professionally can recommend it as summer’s gift from nature.