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Nutrition Fairy Tales

March 12, 2019 by Joyce Bunderson

When I was a girl I loved fairy tales; but as an adult dietitian I find food and nutrition fairy tales frustrating. Many people are getting their nutrition advice from unqualified sources and it often leads to less than optimal nutritional status. Be careful to whom you turn for nutrition advice; see my recently published […]

Loving Heart Health

February 5, 2019 by Joyce Bunderson

February is dedicated to the emotional heart and, certainly The American Heart Association has not missed the chance to connect the emotional heart and the physical heart. That said, I think I’ll follow their lead and use the Valentine Day Month as a good time to share some information about the physical heart – heart […]

MDs and Nutrition

January 29, 2019 by Joyce Bunderson

Can you believe we almost polished off the first month of 2019? It seems to fly by, doesn’t it? On December 6, 2018 an article was published by Jason Fung MD, What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition. I’ve known for decades about this issue regarding the lack of real training in nutrition of the […]

Keto Vs Fiber

January 22, 2019 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week I wrote about what is considered the best diet in 2019 – the Mediterranean Eating Style; which of course, is full of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, resulting in lots of dietary fiber. This week I want to write about the low carbohydrate (low carb) eating style (it comes […]

Research and Common Sense

December 11, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

This morning I turned to my bookshelf and took down my copy of Mindless Eating; Why We Eat More Than We Think by Brian Wansink PhD. The book, a 2007 paperback edition, is dog-eared and has at least a dozen little sticky notes popping from its pages. I’m not going to read it today; but […]

Breakfast or Not?

November 27, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Caitlin Dow MS, PhD posted an electronic article on Nutrition on my birthday in September: To skip or not to skip breakfast: that is the question. Her article caught my attention since I like to keep up with what’s going on in the world of nutrition advise, and the current literature is replete with […]

Are You Tired of the Granola Bar Lunch?

November 13, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Lunch is often a full third of the daily caloric intake of individuals. It can be an important contribution in nourishing our bodies; or a semi-dud; that depends, of course, on what we eat. It seems as though many people finally understand that what we eat and what we don’t eat are highly correlated with […]

A Sea of Change

November 6, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Over eighteen years ago, when I moved to the mountain west, it somewhat surprised me that so many friends and acquaintances told me that they never ate fish. Just in the past few years, I’ve noticed that fish is more frequently creeping into the menus of my acquaintances. Certainly, this observed trend is not scientific […]

To Cook or Not to Cook

October 23, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

The season for lots of refreshing cool salads has come to an end for this year. I don’t mean that we won’t have more salads this year; I just mean that if we live in the northern hemisphere, we may more frequently be looking for food that will warm us up. Should we be too […]

The Study of What the Little Guys Produce – Metabolomics

September 25, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

I’m guessing that by now most people know that we have a huge microbiome; the community of trillions of microorganisms that live and function in our body. The microbiome and its products have actually become a gigantic trend in health research. For many health professionals, including myself, the extent of the impact of our microbiome […]