Diabetes Statistics Rates in the U.S.

May 22, 2009 in General Nutrition by Webmaster

Diabetes Statistics Rates in the U.S.

Who has diabetes?

Total Prevalence of Diabetes in the United States, All Ages, 2005

Total: 20.8 million people (7 percent of the population) have diabetes.

Diagnosed: 14.6 million people

Undiagnosed: 6.2 million people

Total Prevalence of Diabetes Among People Aged 20 Years or Older, United States, 2005

Age 20 years or older: 20.6 million; 9.6 percent of all people in this age group have diabetes.

Age 60 years or older: 10.3 million; 20.9 percent of all people in this age group have diabetes.

Men: 10.9 million; 10.5 percent of all men aged 20 years or older have diabetes.

Women: 9.7 million; 8.8 percent of all women aged 20 years or older have diabetes.

Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes in People Aged 20 Years or Younger, United States, 2005

About 176,500 people aged 20 years or younger have diabetes. This group represents 0.22 percent of all people in this age group.

About one in every 400 to 600 children and adolescents has type 1 diabetes.

Although type 2 diabetes can occur among youth, the nationally representative data that would be needed to monitor diabetes trends in youth by type are not available. Clinically based reports and regional studies suggest that type 2 diabetes, although still rare, is being diagnosed more frequently in children and adolescents, particularly in American Indians, African Americans, and Hispanic/Latino Americans.

What do diabetics eat?

Because diabetes accelerates heart disease, it is the number one killer of persons with diabetes. That is why, when reading the list of foods for diabetics, you will notice that a heart-healthy diet is very closely related to food for diabetics.

Essentially, diabetics eat from all six for the major food groups. It is more complex to plan the menu for a diabetic because there are certain issues that must be managed if they are to have optimal health.<

The food groups are:

1. Breads, grains and starches (includes starchy vegetables like potatoes, peas, corn, and beans)

As related to this group, the most important piece of information is that whole grains have been shown to have protective benefits for diabetics. In addition, whole grains tend to raise the blood sugar slower than processed grains. The diabetic chooses the number of servings of whole grains based upon their prescription from their doctor or dietitian.

2. Vegetables

Vegetables are very nutrient-dense; that is, they are low in fat and have considerable amounts of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, in relation to the number of calories.

3. Fruits

Fruits also are low in fat (with the exception of avocados and olives) and are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Consumption of whole fruit, rather than drinking fruit juice, is encouraged. Fruit juice makes the blood sugar rise very rapidly.

4. Meat, meat substitutes, and other protein foods

It is very important for diabetics to consume low-fat meat and meat substitutes, because of the consumption of which increases the risk of heart disease. The number of meat servings like the other food groups will be based upon the prescription from the dietitian or doctor (Skinless, light meat, poultry, fish, nuts, tofu, low fat cheese, moderate amounts of lean red meats are the best choices for diabetics).

5. Milk

Non fat or very low fat milk, yogurt are the best choices for diabetics

6. Fats, oils and sweets

The best oil for diabetics is extra virgin olive oil, followed by canola, and then corn oil. Foods like candy, cookies, cakes, potato chips, crackers, and fried foods contain a lot of sugar and fat. These foods are not nutrient-dense like grains and vegetables. These are special treats and should be consumed very small servings.

Food for diabetic focus:

  • 100% whole grains, little or no processed flours; canned yams, canned beans, dried beans, brown rice.
  • Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables
  • Fresh or no added sugar canned fruit
  • Canned or fresh fish, white meat chicken
  • Non-fat milk products
  • Delight Sweetener
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil