Caramelized Relish for Chicken

August 3, 2010 in Main Dish, Poultry by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve been fascinated for decades, that it turns out that the fruits, vegetables and whole grains have won the prize as related to decreasing risk for what seemed divergent types of diseases (for example, heart disease, cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and so on.) Is it just a really interesting coincidence; or do our body’s cells stay healthy by a common group of nutrients found in real food?

Consider taking some time, purchasing a new-to-you fruit or vegetable and use it in a new recipe, ‘cause only what actually makes it to your tummy benefits your body.

Do you only think of cranberries as sauce with turkey or chicken?

Caramelized Relish for Chicken

Carmelized Relish for Chicken

By Joyce Bunderson Published: August 3, 2010

    I’ve been fascinated for decades, that it turns out that the fruits, vegetables and whole grains have won the prize as related to …



    1. Put all the ingredients except chicken in a skillet. Cook over a medium heat until vegetables are browned.
    2. Move the vegetables to the side and put the chicken in the skillet.
    3. Add chicken then, Cover the chicken with the vegetables.
    4. Cook chicken, turning once until done.