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Black Bean and Stinging Nettle Soup

Spring is the best time of the year to collect stinging nettle for eating. The tender new leaves provide a great tasting green. By the end of the summer, the stinging nettle leaves are usually large and tough. With cooler temperatures and rain in the fall, tender new leaves sprout and you can use stinging […]

Dr Grandma’s Chicken Noodle Soup

Dr. Grandma’s Chicken Noodle Soup

I’ve heard more than a few times, “Our family can’t afford to eat a healthy diet.” I’ve found that many of the foods that nourish us well and those we sincerely enjoy, are really not expensive. This real homemade soup recipe makes 18 cups for $4.40.

Fisherman’s Stew

Fisherman’s Stew

Gathering the herbs and seasonings will take a few minutes, but really this recipe can become a standard dinner. If you have fresh herbs, you can use them instead of the dry ones in this recipe. My herb garden is frozen over right now, so I used all dried herbs. One other hint is that […]


Flavors of Vietnam Soup

This is an example of Mediterranean-style recipes; yes, I did pass my elementary geography class. The point is that you can eat Mediterranean-style, with any cuisine in mind. All traditional diets include healthy whole foods. I was attracted to making this soup when my friend Shawn, a native of Vietnam, told me about having radishes […]

Quick Sea Soup

Quick Sea Soup

Soup is at the heart and soul of many issues that are my pet topics; the Mediterranean diet, diabetic menu items, antioxidants, real whole foods, nutrition, cost effective menus, weigh management and comfort foods. It can take hours or can be almost a fast food, if you have ingredients in your refrigerator, freezer and cupboard. […]

Tomato Basil Soup

Tomato Basil Soup

During the busy days of autumn it nice to have a really easy recipe that’s very well-accepted by grandkids and grandpas alike. We’re going to the canyon for a family soup smorgasbord dinner this evening, so the harvest aroma of soup is filling our home. If you have a bumper harvest of tomatoes you can use them instead of canned tomatoes.

Turkey Soup

We sometimes eat too much at holiday meals. Cutting back from the extra calories doesn’t need to be painful. While tasting good, this recipe will warm, nourish and fill you — but with fewer calories.

Turkey Vegetable Soup

Turkey Vegetable Soup

You’re striving to cook like your grandma, keep it healthy, but time is not always on your side. What can you do?


Vegetables and White Bean Soup

A four-year Italian study done by the University of Naples was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, on September 1, 2009. The interesting twist of this study is that newly diagnosed type-2 diabetics were put on two different diets. After four years, only 44 percent of those who were put on a Mediterranean diet […]

Beet Greens Soup

Wheat Berries and Beet Greens – Flavors of Egypt Soup

In the November 2009 journal Diabetologia, which is all about studies of issues related to diabetes, a new article reports the results of a huge meta analysis. The meta analysis is related to meat consumption and the risk of type-2 diabetes. They found that a high intake of processed meat (sausage, bacon, cold cuts, ham, […]