Glazed Carrots and Apples

July 20, 2010 in Side Dishes, Vegetables by Joyce Bunderson

We at Dr. Grandma’s had a head start in satisfying the ‘sweet tooth’ before the American Heart Association goal of calories from sugar, honey, agave, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and other caloric sweeteners was set to under 100 calorie/day for women and 150 for men. We know that not only are we born with a preference for sweetness, but we can also become accustomed to a sweet habit. Our sweetener Delight offers a way to enjoy sweetened foods without the chemicals of the artificial sweeteners and the calories of sugar, HFCS or the like.


2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons water
1 pound carrots peeled and cut into 1 inch coins
3 – 4 large tart apples, peeled, cored and cut into 1 inch pieces
2 tablespoons Delight
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon lemon juice


Heat oil and carrots and water, steam in covered skillet for about 5 minutes. Add the apples, Delight, salt, lemon juice and cinnamon and stir. Cover until the carrots and apples are tender, stirring every 6 – 8 minutes to prevent sticking. With the lid off cook off any remaining moisture.

Put the cut carrots in a skillet with the oil and a little water.

Put the cut carrots in a skillet with the oil and a little water.

Prepare the apples - I used Braeburn.

Prepare the apples - I used Braeburn.

Add the apples to the carrots.

Add the apples to the carrots.

Add the cinnamon, salt, Delight and lemon juice.

Add the cinnamon, salt, Delight and lemon juice.

Continue cooking and stir periodically.

Continue cooking and stir periodically.

Serve you sweet and healthy side dish.

Serve your sweet and healthy side dish.