Exotic Papaya and Wheat Berries

July 20, 2010 in Side Dishes, Wheat Berry Recipes by Joyce Bunderson

This recipe is done in a flash; but the flavor is worthy of guests.


2 cups wheat berries cooked to tender
4 - 5 cups water
2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1 teaspoon minced garlic
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
¼ teaspoon salt
2 – 3 cups diced papaya
1 cup chopped fresh orange


If you have cooked frozen wheat berries, defrost, or cook 2 cups of wheat berries in 4 cups water for about 1 ¼ hour, until tender.

In a skillet, heat the oil, ginger and cardamom – stir for about one minute. Add the diced papaya, orange, garlic and salt. Stir in the hot wheat berries. Sauté until the fruit is heated.

Nice side dish for fish, chicken or vegetables. I served it with fish and green vegetables.


Saute the ginger for a minute.

Saute the ginger and cardamom for a minute.

Add the orange and papaya.

Add the orange and papaya.

Add the tender hot cooked wheat berries.

Add the tender hot cooked wheat berries.

Stir and serve your healthy whole grain side dish.

Stir and serve your healthy whole grain side dish.