Getting Full on Fewer Calories

December 11, 2009 in Cooking & Baking Hints, Diabetes, Health Claims, Nutrition, Weight Management by Joyce Bunderson

Because a number of large studies have shown that whole grains reduce the risk factors for a number of diseases, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes, researchers continue to try to find out why whole grains are so successful. They want to learn why consuming whole grain products supports the maintenance of normal weight and better glucose control (blood sugar control).  In a small (16 young adults) new study in Denmark they’ve shown that whole grains increase satiety (being satisfied) compared to refined products.

If you frequently read this column, you’ll notice that I don’t usually report on very small research studies; I like the more comfortable feeling of knowing that the chance of a study being valid is much improved by large numbers of people in a study. But since the majority of Americans need to think about weight management I thought that it might be of interest that this little study showed that there was more satiety in whole grain products.

I already alluded to this fact of whole grain consumption in a past post; but I will mention it again. The story is: at one of our (Dr. Grandma’s) many samplings and tasting panels, a man was complaining fairly strongly that he could not eat as many fluffy Dr. Grandma’s pancakes as he could eat of his normal white flour pancakes. He was not happy about that fact; but we saw it as a success.  If you are satisfied with less food, and eat less food, Voilà! you may consume fewer calories and ultimately maintain a lower weight.

Changing from white flour products to whole wheat products was one of the permanent changes that supported Dr. Grandpa’s maintenance of significantly lower weight and blood sugar.

I hope this little note will encourage you to consider resolving to eat mostly whole grains, substantially reducing your intake of refined white flour products. It is becoming easier to do it.  You don’t need to grind your own wheat to have true whole grain pasta, pancakes, waffles, cereal, muffins, snack cakes and so on. The new products are delicious, while reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.  Our company was set up to offer you new alternatives for obtaining healthy and yummy whole-grain mixes and ingredients, and we encourage you to find good sources for tasty new whole grain pastas, breads and other products now becoming more readily available.

Fast and Healthy Pancakes - Gather a few items

Fast and Healthy Pancakes - Gather a few items

Add Oil Packet and Egg to Water

Add Oil Packet and Egg to Water

A Quick Stir with a Whisk or Spoon

A Quick Stir with a Whisk or Spoon

Empty the Mix Pouch into a Bowl

Empty the Mix Pouch into a Bowl

Pour Egg Mixture into the Dry Mix.

Pour Egg Mixture into the Dry Mix.

A Quick Stir and the Batter Is Done

A Quick Stir and the Batter Is Done

Spoon Batter into Skillet and Wait for a Few Bubbles on Surface.

Spoon Batter into Skillet and Wait for a Few Bubbles on Surface.

Flip and Cook the Other Side

Flip and Cook the Other Side

Today's Yummy Whole Grain Breakfast, Greek Yogurt and Blackberries.

Today's Yummy Whole Grain Breakfast, Greek Yogurt and Blackberries.