Holiday Bugs and Well Wishes

December 21, 2012 in Foodland Chronicles, General, Health by Joyce Bunderson

Dear Friends of Foodland Chronicles,

We’re in the midst of the special winter holidays, often we’re very busy; and knowing that  I’m not going to write anything this year about holiday foods or food safety, I thought that I’d post the links for two articles that may help you have a safe and happy holiday season

The first is Creepy Crawly Holidays: Nine bugs a-leaping.  It’s the cutest holiday health piece that I’ve seen in years or probably ever, for that matter. Click on the ‘mystery mail’ arrow to start the Washington Post piece. What an innovative way to present food and holiday safety!!!

The second is about tummy troubles and how to avoid them, from WebMD.

I seem to be stuck on moving toward a plant-based diet; so you’ll find my next two blogs may help you with New Years’ resolutions (or goals, or whatever you want to call regrouping and re-motivating self.)

I wish you a healthy beautiful holiday season. I’m sending my best wishes and good thoughts, for a beautiful Christmas, New Years and Holiday season.
