Simple Additions Yield a Yummy Start

November 17, 2009 in Blog Recipes, Diabetic Menu Item, Mediterranean, Nutrition, Uncategorized by Joyce Bunderson

Really simple additions can make ‘every day foods’ tastier and more nourishing. We usually have oatmeal or Mountain Top Breakfast a couple times a week during the winter; I often add a handful of raisins, blueberries or other dried fruit and sometimes top with fresh fruit. Believing the ‘Variety is the spice of life’ saying, today I diced a large Granny Smith apple, and stirred it into the oats, water, Delight and cinnamon; then micro waved on high for 6 minutes.  While it was micro waving I pan-toasted some broken pecans until just toasty. You can serve it with non-fat milk or non-fat yogurt to really round-out the ‘wake-up’ call.

When I thought about it, adding fruit, cinnamon, a touch of sweetness, and nuts to an ordinary breakfast notches it up to ‘extra tasty’ – American-Mediterranean tasty, that is.  Maybe your family would enjoy it as much as Vic and I did. The Granny Smith green apples had a nice tang. You could do the same thing with the Mountain Top Breakfast, for a different flavor and texture.

Gourmet flavor doesn't have to take lots of time and work. This simple breakfast will warm your tummy, give you a healthy start for the day and sustain you for hours.

Remember Good Health Ca n Be Yummy!

Cinnamon Oatmeal with Granny Smith Apples and Toasted Pecans

Cinnamon Oatmeal with Granny Smith Apples and Toasted Pecans