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Water – The Food Processor’s Bogeyman

June 12, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Summer officially begins in nine days; in North America some traditions are saved for the summer – gathering in the yard for a barbecue is one of them and another is drinking soda pop. I do realize that soda has now thoroughly permeated the entire year for many people, but it is still drunk more […]

More Good Choices for Managing Our Weight

April 24, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

A rose by any other name is good and beautiful – Let a thousand of them bloom! There are diets and eating plans of all stripes. Some are fad diets designed to get quick results and make money off your anguish.  You soon yo-yo back up in weight as your body rebounds from feeling starved […]

Is Sugar Bad for You?

April 20, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses some of the complications associated with diabetes and high blood sugar levels.

What Are Blood Sugar Levels?

April 10, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Diabetes and the diabetes epidemic have been in the news a lot lately. It can be difficult to understand the mechanisms that cause diabetes. I thought I would discuss one, very important aspect of diabetes — blood sugar levels. Your blood sugar level is the amount of sugar, in the form of glucose, present in […]

Microchips – Very Small Snack Foods

March 20, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Doesn’t the word snack just sound small – a little larger than having a bite or nibble, but not a meal and certainly not a feast? I mean, just a little snack – right? Years ago, Sophia (Estelle Getty), one of The Golden Girls said, “A few more snacks like that and the only thing […]

My Choice for All-Natural, Zero Calorie Sweetener

March 2, 2012 by Mary Ireland

I learned about the “promise of an artificial pancreas” in a recent Johns Hopkins health alert. I think that this “promise” maybe a great improvement for those with Type 1 (commonly known as Juvenile Diabetes) as well as for some with advanced Type 2 Diabetes. However, I am concerned about the device being marketed as […]

Detoxing from Sugar?

January 31, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Why are so many people trying to detox from sugar? People are finally discovering that the average American consumes at least 19 teaspoons a day of added sugar. “Added sugars”, unlike the natural sugars in fruits, vegetables, milk, and meats are added to foods to increase the sweetness. Each teaspoon (4 grams) of sugar has […]

Twinkies for Breakfast

December 13, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

There no question that starting the day with a good breakfast is important; it’s especially important for children, for their health and for their school performance. Public programs have been designed to provide breakfast for ‘at risk’ children to insure the children start the day with the energy and nutrients to power their thinking for […]

Porking Out

October 14, 2011 by Mary Ireland

The article begins: “You’ve had bacon with eggs, bacon cheeseburgers and even bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. But how about bacon dessert?” Then they must have read my mind, because the next sentence is, “Don’t look so disgusted.” Apparently bacon is a hot new item in doughnuts, cookies and even chocolate bars. A top seller […]

So “Rich,” But Non-Fat

September 27, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

I was putting on a breakfast for 40 ladies about a week ago. I was whisking by the tables on my way back to the kitchen, I overheard a comment that surprised this dietitian/nutritionist. I really don’t know who said, “This is SO rich!” But frankly I was really amazed, even a bit stunned. Most […]