Sugar-Free Flavor Explosion on Valentine’s Day

February 11, 2010 in Antioxidants, Blog Recipes, Cooking & Baking Hints, Diabetes, Diabetic Menu Item, Mediterranean, Nutrition, Weight Management, Whole Grains by Joyce Bunderson

If you’re trying to move toward a Mediterranean-style of eating, but you still want to make something that say’s “I love you” or “You’re my friend” or “I really care for you” can you do it? Of course you can! I thought that I’d share some healthy, yet delicious ideas for Valentine’s Day.
Raspberries are a fabulous source of nutrients – I won’t take your time here to enumerate them, but take my word, they are a great source of fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, no cholesterol, no sodium, essentially no fat – the little that it has is good for you. What I decided to create was something delicious, without getting into an unhealthy processed food.

Since ‘red’ seems to be the color for the holiday, this Raspberry Sauce is perfect. This beautiful dessert (without a single drop of food coloring) made Dr. Grandpa's taste buds go off as though it were the Fourth of July- hey this would be great for that holiday too! Okay, it can work whenever you want something with a flavor explosion. Don't forget you're eating 100% organic whole wheat and the zero-calorie all natural sweetener, Delight
There are many creative ways that you can use your Raspberry Sauce. My suggestion this holiday would be drizzled over hot Almond Apple Cake. Enjoy!