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Rainbow Food – Enchanting

May 3, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

This past week I read a very entertaining and eye-catching article about edible rainbows by Maura Judkis. If you don’t get the Washington Post or missed the article, at least take a peek so you can see the rainbow bagels available in Brooklyn at the beginning of the article. If you’re unaware of what’s happening […]

Down-Shifting Hedonic Hunger

January 19, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

The term “Hedonic Hunger” gives a name to a very powerful concept in understanding why we overeat certain foods; and why we can’t stop ourselves once we start eating them. Hedonism is from the Greek, and it means seeking pleasure. Hunger is normally not out of control; it is regulated by our bodies in a […]

Trouble with the Term “Processed”

March 31, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

I attended Utah Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2015 this past Thursday and Friday. Personally, I believe that it was the best conference, with the most informed presenters that this state organization has offered. One of their presenters was Amy Myrdal Miller, MS, RDN. She had an engaging, appealing and enjoyable presentation style. To begin […]

A Quandary Regarding Organic

March 25, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

This past week I attended the state dietetic association’s annual meeting and conference. In the registration bag there are always some little gifts; one was a copy of Edible Wasatch, which I’ve seen and enjoyed before. I just discovered that the article that I wanted to mention today is posted on line: Who Owns Organic […]

Trans Fat Problem Solved – Think Again

June 25, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve been telling friends for quite a while, to beware of the ‘zero trans fats’ on food labels; and have encouraged reading the ingredient portion of the label. In addition, I’ve encouraged them to avoid food products that list “partially hydrogenated” in the ingredient list. Of course most of us have known for a long […]

Eating Bugs – Solving the Ick Factor

June 18, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Choosing today’s topic began by simply glancing at our subscription of Sierra Magazine’s cover (July/August 2013 issue) – a darling little girl with a bug leg hanging out of her cute little pink rosebud lips, her hand clutching a popsicle stick on which was impaled a large beetle with the portion missing around the right […]

Mediterranean-Style Eating is Joyful Delicious Eating

March 5, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I’m afraid that you may not be able to bear my writing another article about the Mediterranean-style of eating; since I already have ten pages of articles listed on the subject. Knowing that I’ve been so dedicated to touting the Mediterranean-style of eating for so many years, would you, my dear readers, humor me by […]

Trends in Consumer Choices Offer Hope

May 8, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Elizabeth Sloan PhD, is president of Sloan Trends, Inc., a San Diego based consulting firm providing trends, insights and predictions for modern foods, functional foods, nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals for the food service and food processor industry. The term ‘modern foods’ well fits Sloan’s audience, but the positive spin food processors put on it (“Better […]

Hungry for Quality Food

April 3, 2012 by Mary Ireland

When I first heard the noise about “pink slime.” I kept an open mind. When I read that it is lean beef made from “trimmings,” I wondered if people weren’t blowing things out of proportion. I mean if you are eating beef, why not eat all of the parts? Then I read about the “exposure […]

Clarifying the Muddy World of Processed Foods

February 28, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

On February 22, 2012, Caroline Scott-Thomas published her article called Processing is a dirty word – but we’ll need more of it to feed the world, in Food She begins her article by reporting on a speech given at the Global Food Safety Initiative conference in Orlando, Florida, earlier this month, by Penn State […]