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Processed Foods, Superfoods, Good Old-Fashioned Foods

September 18, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Processed food – It’s true I’ve put a lot of trash on processed foods. I’ve been writing about them for years and eventually, I edited my reference to them and called them highly processed food and ultra processed foods. I did that because the food industry didn’t like all the negative press they were getting […]

A New Food Fad – In a Fog of Misinformation

June 26, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Have you started watching the little video on the Internet that tells us that the biggest danger in the American diet is lectin? I did. It just zaps my strength when I read or watch this type of bizarre information. It’s especially discouraging when I read that a medical doctor (Steven Gundry is supposedly a […]

Does God Have a Wicked Sense of Humor?

September 6, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

On July 27, 2016, just about the time I was smugly sitting and thinking about what an adventurous eater I am, I stumbled upon an article about the possibility for the next superfood – cockroach milk. Hmmm. I’d love to feel a little more mature (not chronologically) just emotionally. I’d like to say; “Sure, sign […]

Ultra-Processed Foods

March 15, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve written quite a bit about the drawbacks and undesirability of processed foods; I’ve often used the words highly processed but a newly released study has amplified the term “ultra-processed” and has shown how harmful it is, and brought me back to the subject. The new study is published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) […]

Down-Shifting Hedonic Hunger

January 19, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

The term “Hedonic Hunger” gives a name to a very powerful concept in understanding why we overeat certain foods; and why we can’t stop ourselves once we start eating them. Hedonism is from the Greek, and it means seeking pleasure. Hunger is normally not out of control; it is regulated by our bodies in a […]

Trouble with the Term “Processed”

March 31, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

I attended Utah Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2015 this past Thursday and Friday. Personally, I believe that it was the best conference, with the most informed presenters that this state organization has offered. One of their presenters was Amy Myrdal Miller, MS, RDN. She had an engaging, appealing and enjoyable presentation style. To begin […]

Conflict of Interest

October 29, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I like the term junk food; it’s so helpful. It gets right to the identification of the item as something that you’re not counting on to nourish yourself or your family. It says, “This is just a treat;” and “Too much of this stuff is not great for my health.” I belong to the Academy […]

Soft Material with Fat-Like Functionalities

August 27, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

A small bit of information in this week’s food technology news caught my attention. Two reasons why this one stood out from the background of so much food engineering is first that there have already been short-term failures in creating new fat-like molecules in the lab (Olestra); and second, that following the creation of the […]

Sugar Train Wreck

July 22, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Sometimes being a dietitian/nutritionist provides the opportunity for an imaginary movie to appear right before my eyes. The latest experience happened on Wednesday when our daily community newspaper hit the breakfast counter along with National Geographic’s August 2013 issue. My imaginary movie was a train wreck; the following are some details of the wreck. The […]

Eating Bugs – Solving the Ick Factor

June 18, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Choosing today’s topic began by simply glancing at our subscription of Sierra Magazine’s cover (July/August 2013 issue) – a darling little girl with a bug leg hanging out of her cute little pink rosebud lips, her hand clutching a popsicle stick on which was impaled a large beetle with the portion missing around the right […]