February 27, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson
I listened to a presentation by Danielle Nierenberg, the founder of FoodTank (like ThinkTank for food) and Chris Vogliano, a Registered Dietitian and doctoral student from New Zealand. I feel that I’m moderately informed about sustainable agriculture, by which I mean the production of food, fiber, or animal products using farming techniques that protect the […]
Tags: Food Economics, Foodland, Plant-based Eating
February 20, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson
I must admit; I’m a sucker for clever headlines and cleverly written articles. But since I’m in the admitting mood; I must also admit that sometimes what someone else thinks is so clever is just down right annoying for me. Case in point headline: “PIZZA FOR BREAKFAST IS HEALTHIER THAN CEREAL, SAYS DIETITIAN – FINALLY.” […]
Tags: Foodland, Health Claims, Healthy Eating
February 13, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson
We’ve been enjoying the 2018 Winter Olympics in Korea; I must confess/brag that our interest is heightened this year because our grandson Brendan (Bubba) Connor Newby is skiing in the half pipe for Ireland where he was born. Watching the Olympics makes us ask lots of questions. How do you steer the sled in the […]
Tags: Food Psychology, Weight Management
January 23, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson
Yesterday, while enjoying lunch, I was having a conversation with Vic (Dr. Grandpa). We were discussing the fact that I don’t really have time to keep up on the constantly evolving array of diets. I remember back in the 1990’s when I first realized that we could decrease risk for cardiovascular disease by eating a […]
Tags: Foodland, Healthy Eating, Mediterranean kitchen
December 26, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
About 1 in 100 people have the inherited autoimmune disease – celiac that causes damage to the small intestine when gluten is ingested. Another .4 percent of people have a doctor-diagnosed wheat allergy. Beyond this number there is a large group of people who have what is called “non-celiac gluten sensitivity.” This large group of […]
Tags: Foodland, Health Claims, Healthy Eating
November 14, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
Today, a granddaughter and a few of her friends are coming over for a little cooking lesson. I’m going to involve them in three recipes; a stir-fry (same technique used to make fajitas); minestrone soup; and a super easy soup. I chose the recipes; recipes that will help them learn techniques that can be used […]
Tags: Cooking & Baking Hints, Healthy Eating
October 3, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
One thing that is challenging for me in my role as a public health nutritionist, is that people fairly frequently, say something strange and when I ask about it their response, is in essence, “It’s real; I read a study.” Trying to weed out studies that you should believe and those that may be flaky […]
Tags: Foodland
September 12, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
Each year, the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and other government agencies, publish a document related to heart disease and stroke; you can find many fascinating facts in the document published in Circulation. Dr. Darish Mozaffarian, from Tufts University (previously from Harvard) is one […]
August 8, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
Let’s imagine that you have not been gifted with music talents; nor do you write books; and on top of that you can’t draw worth beans. Maybe you have a gift for creativity in the kitchen; this gift can be a main ingredient in healthy, tasty dishes. You may be able to make recipes that […]
Tags: Cooking & Baking Hints, Food Psychology
July 11, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
A team of Stanford researchers did a fun, but telling experiment in their university cafeteria. They tried different labels on veggies and tracked how it impacted selection. One of the most important outcomes was a surprise to me. People seem to think the healthier options are less tasty. Obviously, they have not adopted the Dr. […]
Tags: fitness, Healthy Eating