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Paying Attention to pH

May 31, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve resisted the thought of writing about pH for years. My rationalization is that it would take explaining more chemistry and physiology than general public might be interested in. The subject of pH as related to food and ultimately to diet is technical; so I decided to continue to recommend eating a diet high in […]

Vitamin D’s a Show Off and in the News, Again

April 12, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

About sixteen years ago I moved from southern California to the mountain west. There are many things I love about the mountain west, most especially my husband and family, the beauty of the mountains and the great expansive views out over the valley and lake to other mountains. But there is one thing that I’ve […]

Calcium Supplements or Osteoporosis

July 29, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

I was watching a movie a couple of days ago, and the lead female actor said something about kidney stones causing pain worse that childbirth. It sent me back about three decades when I experienced kidney stones. After the ordeal, I told my friends that I would rather have another baby natural childbirth than go […]

Dried Plums, Straight from Nature

November 5, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

When plums are dried, they have the deep crevasses that often grace the faces of the elderly. In a society that idolizes youth, something that is wrinkled as …… well, a prune, doesn’t have much of a chance for popularity. Years ago the California Dried Plum Board changed the name of prunes to dried plums; […]

A Bone of Contention

August 31, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses research about bone density and weight training.

More Thoughts on Healthy Bones

June 1, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses bone health and an alternative to bisphosphates and calcium supplements.

Healthy Bones – Where Do We Go from Here?

May 29, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

I received a beautiful new ring as an anniversary gift; and on Friday I went to have it sized down to fit my right hand ring finger. The jeweler asked if I knew my ring size, I answered, “Yes, size 4. It used to be 3½, when I was younger.” He said, “That would be […]

Please Don’t Fortify Me (or My Food)

October 21, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses the results of a new study on multivitamins.

Garden Party

July 22, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland talks about the tasty greens from Dr. Grandma’s garden and the importance of dark green leafy vegetables in your diet.

Boning Up on Vitamin D and Calcium – More May Not Be Better

June 28, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

The other day I received an email from my sister; she was telling me about the Reclast Infusion that her physician recommended for her. She read the list of side affects and because she feels fine, she’s a little ‘freaked out’ about the list. Note: If you don’t like to use a list published by […]