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Loving Heart Health

February 5, 2019 by Joyce Bunderson

February is dedicated to the emotional heart and, certainly The American Heart Association has not missed the chance to connect the emotional heart and the physical heart. That said, I think I’ll follow their lead and use the Valentine Day Month as a good time to share some information about the physical heart – heart […]

A Sea of Change

November 6, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Over eighteen years ago, when I moved to the mountain west, it somewhat surprised me that so many friends and acquaintances told me that they never ate fish. Just in the past few years, I’ve noticed that fish is more frequently creeping into the menus of my acquaintances. Certainly, this observed trend is not scientific […]

Does Cholesterol Still Matter?

October 30, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Do you remember when cholesterol was the trendy word of the day? I remember it was ubiquitous; almost every package of food had some kind of cholesterol claim – low cholesterol or no cholesterol. I don’t know an exact date of when it began, but it was going on in the 1970s and is still […]

Going a Little Nuts

July 31, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

It seems to be one of the holdovers from the days when so many were eschewing any food with fat; but there are still people who don’t include nuts in their diet because of the fat content. Too bad!!! Nuts and seeds are dense with fiber and nutrients. The fat in nuts is mostly monounsaturated […]

Lifestyle Is Key to Managing Hypertension

May 29, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Hypertension or high blood pressure has long been known as a silent killer; the fact that humans don’t really feel their blood pressure, means that a person can have lethal blood pressure and not have a clue. So the first step is to take opportunities to check your blood pressure fairly frequently. The next step […]

Mushrooms to the Rescue

May 1, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

In my experience, people either love ‘em or hate ‘em. I guess if you really hate them, you hate the types you’ve tried of the 7,000 edible varieties – and therefore assume they are all not for you. But on the other hand, if you don’t hate them, then maybe you’ll be interested in their […]

Butter Up the Holidays?

December 19, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

The holidays are approaching at full tilt. I hope to be ready. Even with all my planning and working ahead, it’s always up to the stars being properly aligned. It’s easy to get enormously busy during the holidays, but my suggestion is for us to include a moment to be sure our thinking is ready […]

Metabolically Healthy Obese – Apparently an Oxymoron

August 22, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

Researchers at Imperial College in London and University of Cambridge have conducted a study that compares “healthy” and “unhealthy” obese individuals and published the findings in The European Heart Journal. Use this doi number: doi/10.10936/eurheartj/ehx448/4081012. There’s been a lot of chat about overweight and obese persons who are healthy; you may be acquainted with the […]

Plant-Based Junk Food is Alive and Well

August 1, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

Today’s issue is one of those concerns that has been a question brewing in my mind, just below the surface for a long time. What I’m writing about today is the problem of unhealthful plant-based diets. I’ve personally known people, self-proclaimed vegetarians, who are grabbing products like Pop-tarts (white processed flour, filled with sugary hot […]

Coconut Oil – On Your Body, Not in It

June 20, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

This is one of those days that I need a little extra motivation to get to writing on the subject that I’ve chosen. It’s a little de-motivating to realize that 72 percent of the American public consider coconut oil a health food; after all the effort that nutritionists/dietitians like myself have spent for decades trying […]