Caring for Your Heart
February 3, 2012 by Mary Ireland
Mary Ireland discusses new data about risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
February 3, 2012 by Mary Ireland
Mary Ireland discusses new data about risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
December 9, 2011 by Mary Ireland
Mary Ireland discusses the importance of mindfully incorporating more exercise into our daily lives.
October 25, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson
“Sodium Wars” is a term used to describe the battle between food processors eager to keep profiting from the use of excess salt in their products, vs. regulators and educators trying to either get them to cut it back, or get people to stop eating excessive doses of sodium through these unhealthy products. Like other […]
October 11, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson
While I was at the annual conference of The American Dietetic Association, now known as The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, I came upon a booth sponsored by the Pulse Canada Association. First, let me tell you that prior to FNCE 2011, I did not know Pulse is the term for the edible seeds of […]
September 30, 2011 by Mary Ireland
Mary Ireland discusses the importance of controlling your reaction to stressful events in your life.
September 13, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson
Have you ever told someone that you don’t have time to do something that they suggested you do? I remember telling my daughters that I didn’t have time to do scrapbooking; now that I think about it, I guess that I did have the time. I think we quickly scan our lives and, often in […]
September 9, 2011 by Mary Ireland
Athletes training in their 40s and 50s are “100 times” better than sedentary people in their 20s according to Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, a professor of pediatrics and medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. That is a very bold statement. Other research corroborates the advantages that physically fit people have over those who are sedentary. […]
September 6, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson
Public agencies concerned with cardiovascular health always stress the importance of diet and lifestyle as the primary means of lowering fats in the blood and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. But if your cholesterol goes over the danger line, it’s fairly likely that your doctor will prescribe statins (Lipitor, Crestor or Zocor) and a low […]
August 16, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson
Since I’ve written so frequently about type 2 diabetes, how to prevent it and how to avoid it; I’m concerned that you may be thinking that I have a worry wart vibrating in my brain, especially as related to type 2 diabetes. But when I read the stats telling how the prevalence of type 2 […]
July 22, 2011 by Mary Ireland
Mary Ireland talks about the tasty greens from Dr. Grandma’s garden and the importance of dark green leafy vegetables in your diet.