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What’s Cookin’? Evidently, Not Americans

April 21, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

If you want to really understand blood pressure, there’s a wonderful article on the Medical News Today (MNT) website. What I like about this particular article is that you do not need to have had a course in physiology, anatomy and biology to understand the article. It is written for all who are interested; and […]

On Paleo Diet Pretenses: Serving Mastodon, Anyone?

April 6, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

A draft sitting in queue but never published. Too bad.   Things are pretty busy around the holidays; I probably don’t need to remind you. But the evidence in myself is found in how easy it is to make me laugh. I guess it’s some kind of hysteria. On second thought, after reading the Wikipedia […]

Old Story – Evidence Ever Stronger

January 13, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

There is neither a single food nor single group of foods that can be consumed that offer optimal health. Balance and variety are an important aspect of diet. If we want not only to be healthy, but also to enjoy our meals, then we should remember balance and variety. We should be very mindful of […]

Holiday Eating – Mixed Emotions and Mindful Morsels

December 16, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

Holiday eating is filled with a mix of emotions. Some of the emotions are positive; the anticipation of eating Mom’s finest recipes – memories of happy times together with family and friends blanketing the experience. Just looking forward to the traditional recipes that our individual families take pleasure in is part of the enjoyment of […]

Gluten-Free – Vital for Celiac Disease, a Boon to Marketers

December 9, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

Do you sometimes wonder if we Americans need some sort of food villain?  Dietary fat…. remember anything with fat was bad (1990’s)?  Then carbs, that never was a very clear message – no differentiation between simple carbs and complex carbs, but the message was that protein is the miracle food and fat is a wonderful […]

Sugar Science

November 18, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

When I speak to college students, especially non-science majors, I often encourage them to take some science classes; like say, physiology. The reason for this seemingly bizarre suggestion is that I’ve found it so upsetting over the years to see how the food processors, commodities companies and their organizations can effectively distort science. I believe […]

Words for the Wise

November 11, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

It seems to me that the number of reasons to eat out escalates during the fall. Part of it might be that the holiday season is approaching and that intensifies the number of requirements upon our time. For whatever reason, the fact is that we America are struggling with an epidemic of overweight and obesity […]

Breakfast, Easy and Nourishing

October 7, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

Are you trying to get into an early morning breakfast routine? One easy way is to throw a box or two of cold cereal and a jug of milk on the table. My guess is that is exactly what goes on in many homes – no real research, just a stroll down the cereal isle. […]

Sow’s Ears, Silk Purses and Celebrity Chefs

August 26, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week before leaving town for a few days, an article caught my attention.  Associated Press writer Candice Choi wrote the article, the article that I’m referring to is: McDonald’s attempts to dispel its long-held junk food image. I read the article in my local newspaper, but wanted to refer you to a digital copy […]

Moderation and Portion Size for Junk Food

August 19, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) has a position statement called the Total Diet Approach to Healthy Eating, which was published in February 2013. There was nothing new about the AND’s statement when it came out: “All foods can fit within this pattern if consumed in moderation with appropriate portion size and combined with […]