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Plant Protein

March 21, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

On February 23, I attended a Continuing Professional Education webinar called: Through the RD’s Lens: A Look at 2017’s Nutrition. One of the top trends forecasted for 2017 is clean eating. There is really no consensus definition of clean eating; but you can read some of the popular factors in Eating Well’s article 10 Tips […]

Oranges Red and Redder – It’s Not All in a Name

February 28, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

I don’t really think it’s all in a name; but it is an interesting argument. If you want an orange and want to reap some extra nutrients you may decide upon the Blood Orange. It seems that they could have come up with a better name right? Blood? Really? Maybe they could have chosen something […]

A Can of Worms about Eating on a Budget

January 31, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

All public health professionals have worries; that does not exclude public health dietitians/nutritionists. One of my big concerns is the amount of confusion and complexity that blanket nutrition. It is not just a consequence of the fact that nutrition is just in its adolescence – relatively speaking; and new science is constantly being discovered. But […]

Orange Nostalgia

January 3, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson

Looking out of the window onto New Year brings the sight of snow clouds right smack up to the window. Our house was built to take advantage of the Wasatch front and Utah Lake views. Most days, all year long, we see beautiful sights …. canyons; clouds; brilliant red and orange sunsets and pink sunrises. […]

Inflammation – Friend or Foe?

December 6, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

In my life I’ve had some interesting effects resulting from my immune system. During my paid career, I used to directly supervise dietitians and dietary technicians in California. When an employee would get sick, I would often go to see them; and they’d say; “Don’t get near me, I’m so sick.” I’d almost always say; […]

Thoughts on the Food Budget

November 29, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

This is the time of year when many families are juggling gift buying and ordinary demands – like the food budget. Because of this challenge, I decided to write about a not so holiday-like issue – the food budget. I guess that I should proclaim my bias from the get-go. I’m writing about how the […]

Gratitude and Striving for Healthy Behaviors

November 22, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

Because Thanksgiving is all about gratitude, it has become my favorite holiday. But if you’ve read last week’s post, you probably figured out that, for me, it can be a day of daunting challenges with food temptations. I know I’m not alone; but I’ve spent some time thinking about ways to defuse the stress; and […]

Autumn Bounty

November 8, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

I haven’t been paying much attention to the weather in most places around the northern hemisphere, but I know that here in the mountain west, the weather has been glorious. Of course, that’s my personal opinion. I suppose if I were into skiing, then I’d be bummed, as it’s not really been very cold. Yes, […]

Cutting Back on Sodium Can Solve More than One Problem

November 1, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week I wrote about the risk of death and high sodium intake; I mostly concentrated on the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular events. I made one little mention that Alzheimer’s disease risk is also associated with high blood pressure; but I don’t want to pass over this issue too quickly. It seems to […]

Sodium and Death Risk

October 25, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson

I’m well aware that many self-proclaimed experts say that salt/sodium is not a problem in health. But my advice is to stick with the Surgeon General, the American Heart Association, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; which all advise us to cut back on salt intake. In addition, I like the results of […]