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Sugar Avoidance – Music to My Ears

May 15, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

As noted by the International Food Information Council’s 2017 survey, 76% of respondents of the survey, (an unprecedented number of consumers) say they are looking to reduce their sugar intake or avoid it altogether. During the past two years, sugar has topped the list of ingredients that consumers are seeking to limit or avoid in […]

Yes, Calories Matter

May 8, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Yesterday, May 7, 2018 – now that’s a date that should go down in history. It’s the starting point of an almost 30 year struggle to provide the public with the calories of restaurant foods. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), the publisher of the Nutrition Action Newsletter, published an on-line chronology […]

Mushrooms to the Rescue

May 1, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

In my experience, people either love ‘em or hate ‘em. I guess if you really hate them, you hate the types you’ve tried of the 7,000 edible varieties – and therefore assume they are all not for you. But on the other hand, if you don’t hate them, then maybe you’ll be interested in their […]

Sharing Some Fasting/Keto Thoughts

April 24, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve been reading some of the barrage of articles about fasting and Ketogenic diets. Some of what I’ve read is based in fact, sprinkled with fairly insignificant errors. But some of what’s out there is just not factual. Some of the arguments that use biased or incorrect information, or faulty research design are extremely frustrating […]

What about Yogurt?

March 27, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

A new study published in the American Journal of Hypertension found that higher intake of yogurt was linked with a 30 percent reduced risk of myocardial infarction (MI), heart attack, in women; and a 19 percent reduced risk in men. The following are some observations I’ve made of the study and its results: First, let […]

Getting Your Head Straight First

March 20, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

It’s really fun when I find a story like the one I found on January 31, 2018. It’s the story that a young guy, Alex Lambert, put up on be yourself called How I taught myself to love healthy food. He makes several excellent points that I decided to highlight here. He was off to […]

Bean Progress

March 13, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

It’s not often that I notice that I’ve personally made some progress; but this is one of those days. Today I’m giving myself a gold star on my “Better is the New Perfect” chart. (Not really, but in my mind I am patting myself on the shoulder.) I remember thinking a few years ago of […]

Ten Dietary Factors Linked with Premature Death in US

March 6, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Lately, I’ve been reading the heartbreaking numbers of those dying as a result of the flu. Fortunately, it appears that the peak of the flu season has been reached – thank goodness. I’ve had the flu twice; once in the 80s and once about 2009. The H1N1 (Swine flu) was a big deal in 2009. […]

Recommending Pizza – Really?

February 20, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

I must admit; I’m a sucker for clever headlines and cleverly written articles. But since I’m in the admitting mood; I must also admit that sometimes what someone else thinks is so clever is just down right annoying for me. Case in point headline: “PIZZA FOR BREAKFAST IS HEALTHIER THAN CEREAL, SAYS DIETITIAN – FINALLY.” […]

Call It What You Want

January 30, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week I wrote about the Mediterranean style of eating not going out of style. It a fascinating thing to me that one of the latest styles of eating is anti-inflammatory diets. In my effort to try to know what the public is being told, I stumbled upon a considerable collection of information about inflammation […]