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Striking Back

February 10, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses new research that provides insight into how exercise benefits the body.

Caring for Your Heart

February 3, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses new data about risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

All Natural Weight Loss

January 13, 2012 by Mary Ireland

My post last week covered research showing that dieting alters hormones so that after the dieting stops, a person is hungrier and has a slower metabolism than before dieting. The subjects in the research were on an extreme low-calorie diet, which consisted of Optifast shakes and two cups of low-starch vegetables, totaling just 500 to […]

Goodbye to 2011

December 30, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland gives suggestions for creating a healthier lifestyle in 2012.

Two New Ways to Improve Your Odds of Avoiding Diabetes

November 22, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Diabetes is the fastest-growing disease in history. The numbers are staggering; it is estimated that 80 million people in the United States have diabetes or are on the verge of developing it. In the face of these stunning statistics, it is amazing that most type 2 diabetes is preventable. In addition, it is estimated that […]

Another Reason to Keep Eating Whole Grains

November 15, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Did you know that there are still lots of unanswered questions regarding the benefits of fiber in the diet as related to colorectal cancer? It’s certainly an issue worth understanding; as colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer – accounting for about 9.7% of all cases of cancer – about 1.2 million […]

Working Together

October 7, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland talks about new mentor programs that are helping to distribute nutritional information and provide one-on-one assistance to help those most at risk for obesity to live healthier lifestyles.

I Can’t Afford to Be Sick — or Injured

September 16, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses the high cost associated with illness and injury, focusing on the cost of living with diabetes.

Protein: How Much? Which Sources?

August 30, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

I want to share with you right at the beginning of this article that most Americans don’t need to worry about eating enough protein. Our meals are frequently designed around a sizable chunk of animal protein. This is protein overkill. Maybe if we understood our protein needs a little better, we’d relax our concerns in […]

Steps to Banishing My Diabetes Worry Wart

August 16, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Since I’ve written so frequently about type 2 diabetes, how to prevent it and how to avoid it; I’m concerned that you may be thinking that I have a worry wart vibrating in my brain, especially as related to type 2 diabetes. But when I read the stats telling how the prevalence of type 2 […]