February 28, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
I don’t really think it’s all in a name; but it is an interesting argument. If you want an orange and want to reap some extra nutrients you may decide upon the Blood Orange. It seems that they could have come up with a better name right? Blood? Really? Maybe they could have chosen something […]
Tags: Healthy Eating
February 7, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
Whether you watched the Super Bowl or not you’ve probably heard some of the firsts that happened yesterday: first quarterback to win five times; first head coach to win five trophies; first time Super Bowl ever went to overtime; first team to come back by such a huge deficit and on and on. Football is […]
Tags: Cooking & Baking Hints, Foodland
January 31, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
All public health professionals have worries; that does not exclude public health dietitians/nutritionists. One of my big concerns is the amount of confusion and complexity that blanket nutrition. It is not just a consequence of the fact that nutrition is just in its adolescence – relatively speaking; and new science is constantly being discovered. But […]
Tags: Food Economics, Healthy Eating
January 10, 2017 by Joyce Bunderson
I realized that I’ve not mentioned New Year’s resolutions this year; but I appreciate that many people have embarked upon goals to get healthier this year; possibly including weight loss. Maybe some have read the US Life Expectancy stats. It is a little difficult to face the fact that for the first time in well-over […]
Tags: heart health, Mediterranean kitchen, Weight Management
December 13, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
A few days ago, I read a well-written article “The nutrient you didn’t know you were missing, by Christy Brissette; published in the Wellness section of the Washington Post on December 9, 2016. Her article is based upon findings published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. You can have free access to […]
Tags: Nutrients, nutritionism
November 8, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
I haven’t been paying much attention to the weather in most places around the northern hemisphere, but I know that here in the mountain west, the weather has been glorious. Of course, that’s my personal opinion. I suppose if I were into skiing, then I’d be bummed, as it’s not really been very cold. Yes, […]
Tags: Avoiding Junk Foods, Healthy Eating, Nutrients
October 25, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
I’m well aware that many self-proclaimed experts say that salt/sodium is not a problem in health. But my advice is to stick with the Surgeon General, the American Heart Association, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; which all advise us to cut back on salt intake. In addition, I like the results of […]
Tags: Cooking & Baking Hints, Healthy Eating, Reduce cardiovascular disease risk
October 4, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
It seems as though we are going to have to recognize and combat the “tobacco industry playbook” for each and every Big Food Industry. Sugar, processed foods, dairy, beef and other red meat, processed meat all seem to be using THE playbook. It worked like magic for tobacco; many extra decades of disability and early […]
Tags: Food Economics, Foodland, Health Claims, Healthy Eating, heart health, Reduce cardiovascular disease risk
September 13, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
Life is so complex today. Years ago I had dismissed ramen as a low-cost junk-food, high-calorie, palatable because of cheap additives, but except for calories, nutritionally impoverished. Now I am awakened to the bizarre finding that these shelf-stable bricks of twisted noodles are near the top of the food chain in two significant populations. One […]
Tags: addictive food design, Avoiding Junk Foods, Food Economics, Healthy Eating
August 23, 2016 by Joyce Bunderson
The Annals of Internal Medicine published a review of 56 previously conducted studies that looked at the effects of health outcomes of a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) with no restriction on fat intake. Hanna E. Bloomfield, MD, MPH and others found some evidence that the MedDiet may reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events, breast cancer and […]
Tags: Healthy Eating, Mediterranean kitchen, Reduce cardiovascular disease risk