You are browsing the Nutritionism section.


Shrove Tuesday Is in a Week

February 21, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma posts a little reminder of Shrove Tuesday.

Don’t Sell Our Kids Short – Avoid Number Two

February 16, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses foods that are advertised for kids. In addition, she shares a recipe for Lemony Tarragon Chicken Vegetable Soup.

Singing ‘Get Off Your SoFAS’

February 2, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma reviews the highlights of the new Dietary Guidelines. In addition, she shares a recipe for Lively Colorful Fruits, Vegetables and Wheat Berries.

Consumers Get Confused – Ya Think?

January 26, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses the confusion caused by cereal processors and gives some hints of how to avoid impoverished grain products.

Starting with the Bottom Line

December 15, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses the health benefits of alpha-carotene and how to increase it in the diet. In addition, she shares a new recipe for Mashed Carrots and Red Garnet Yams.

Watching Out for the Flim-Flam Vitamin Salesman

November 17, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses how we got into the supplement mindset and what is leading us away from it.

Collecting Coffin Nails

September 29, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma reports on a study about calcium supplements and heart attacks.

Rescuing Foods from the Evil Grasp of Nutritionism

August 27, 2010 by Victor Bunderson

Dr. Grandpa shares his perspective on the long battle against nutritionism that lies ahead of us.