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Maple Syrup – Sugar, But Better Than Sugar

July 24, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

If you agree with some of the basic propositions of this blog, including Good Health Can Be Yummy and Enjoy in Moderation you will understand why I pitch something especially yummy, even though you have to be quite careful to use it moderately. Maple Syrup is one of these really yummy natural foods. Last year […]

Are You Moving Toward Non Dairy Milk?

July 17, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

This is definitely the age of non-dairy milk. Options are more plentiful than a dietitian’s wildest imagination. My imagination can be pretty wild, but I still see a range of options that include both good and bad choices for different individuals. Having all these choices can be nice, especially if you have lactose intolerance; you’re […]

Protein, the Trendy Macronutrient

July 10, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

If you glance at the banners touting high protein on the front of packages, and see protein bars, shakes and powders at check out counters you may start to worry that you need to increase your protein intake. Not so! This is just hype to sell way more than you need. The fact is that […]

What’s for Dinner? Same O’ Same O’

July 3, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Have you ever noticed that meals sometimes become routine? I remember when my family was young and I was working fulltime. Then we had a pasta casserole, marinara sauce and browned burger, with grated cheese on top – one two many times. The fact is that I had that as a frequent standby, because it […]

A New Food Fad – In a Fog of Misinformation

June 26, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Have you started watching the little video on the Internet that tells us that the biggest danger in the American diet is lectin? I did. It just zaps my strength when I read or watch this type of bizarre information. It’s especially discouraging when I read that a medical doctor (Steven Gundry is supposedly a […]

Fruit and Vegetable Season – Phytonutrient Season

June 19, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

When I stumble upon the word phytonutrient (or phytochemical – same thing; phyto means of a plant in Greek), it is usually being used by someone who is selling supplements. The most disappointing part of the word use is that it is usually about a few specific phytonutrients that have been cheaply extracted from plants […]

Our Goal – Age Gracefully with Mental Capacities Intact

June 12, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Watching someone gradually ‘slip away’ into the grips of Alzheimer’s disease is a sobering experience. Many of us have considerable fear of this happening to us; but what surprises me is that it doesn’t appear that most people understand that less than 1% of the Alzheimer’s population develops the disease due to a genetic mutation. […]

Frozen Produce

June 5, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Sometimes people are shocked when I say that frozen produce is an excellent source of nutritious, top quality fruits and vegetables. It is a common idea that frozen commodities are somehow inferior to fresh produce, and that it costs more. There are quite a few factors that support my claim that frozen produce rates “excellent” […]

Lifestyle Is Key to Managing Hypertension

May 29, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

Hypertension or high blood pressure has long been known as a silent killer; the fact that humans don’t really feel their blood pressure, means that a person can have lethal blood pressure and not have a clue. So the first step is to take opportunities to check your blood pressure fairly frequently. The next step […]

Designing Your Own Personal Eating Plan – A Long-Term Journey

May 22, 2018 by Joyce Bunderson

There are a few issues that trouble me while observing the general public go through yet another restrictive diet. (The ketogenic diet seems to be gaining popularity by the day.) Restrictive diets can lead to fewer calories and thus to weight loss. But eventually they go off the diet, unless they mold it into a […]