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Lowering Diabetes Risk

July 6, 2012 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses how walking can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and why reducing that risk is important.

All Calories Are Not Created Equal

July 3, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

A new study published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association has made a big splash in the news. For some of us, it doesn’t seem to be a big news flash, because our experiences have already confirmed to us that while eating a Mediterranean style diet, we eat enough to be […]

Water – The Food Processor’s Bogeyman

June 12, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Summer officially begins in nine days; in North America some traditions are saved for the summer – gathering in the yard for a barbecue is one of them and another is drinking soda pop. I do realize that soda has now thoroughly permeated the entire year for many people, but it is still drunk more […]

Look for the Exercise Sweet Spot

June 8, 2012 by Mary Ireland

For someone who wants to start an exercise program or those new to exercising, the process may seem a little daunting. I have been an avid exerciser since my early twenties and have learned over the years that you cannot always count on the latest research data to apply to you. The key word in […]

Facing Down the Far Corner of the Fear Closet

May 22, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

You’ve probably figured out, if you’ve been coming here for a long time, that I’m always happy to read about new research that supports healthy life-style habits. Today I’m writing about two studies that both found evidence that what we eat is related to keeping our brainpower revved up. I’m sure that I’m not the […]

It May Seem Nutty

May 15, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

If you’ve been watching your waistline, you may look at nuts and think: “BEWARE,” because you know that nuts are a calorie dense, loaded with fat, food; but you may be pleasantly surprised to learn what nuts can do for you. One of the biggest surprises is that the latest research tells us that nuts […]

More Good Choices for Managing Our Weight

April 24, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

A rose by any other name is good and beautiful – Let a thousand of them bloom! There are diets and eating plans of all stripes. Some are fad diets designed to get quick results and make money off your anguish.  You soon yo-yo back up in weight as your body rebounds from feeling starved […]

Alarmed over All the Sugar Toxicity Chat?

April 17, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Much of the recent ‘sugar toxicity chat’ started with an April 1, 2012, 60 Minutes report. Did you miss the 60 Minutes, CBS report, “Is Sugar Toxic?” with Dr. Sanjay Gupta? It’s not too late; you can see the video or read about it.

Make Your Calories Count: Choose 100% Whole Grains

April 6, 2012 by Mary Ireland

In his blog, Is A Calorie A Calorie?, Mark Bittman writes about his interview with Marion Nestle, author of a new book Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics (California Studies in Food and Culture). The blog post makes interesting reading and of course the answer to the calorie question is not a simple yes […]

Microchips – Very Small Snack Foods

March 20, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Doesn’t the word snack just sound small – a little larger than having a bite or nibble, but not a meal and certainly not a feast? I mean, just a little snack – right? Years ago, Sophia (Estelle Getty), one of The Golden Girls said, “A few more snacks like that and the only thing […]