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The Sweetness of Fruit, including Cotton Candy Grapes

August 6, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week I read a story about a fruit breeder in Kern County – a rural part of California where I enjoyed shooting the rapids, floating down the Kern River and exploring the mountains during my preteen and teenage years. One on my numerous childhood memories of the ‘50s and ‘60s was the drive to […]

Mediterranean-Style Eating Continues to Shine

May 28, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

May is National Mediterranean Diet Month. Since May 2013 is winding down in just a couple of days, I hope we do not limit our celebration/recognition of the Mediterranean-style of eating to the merry month of May; but hopefully, make it a practice every week. I hope you are all making progress on moving toward […]

Getting on Your Nerves?

February 5, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I periodically talk to people and they tell me that they don’t like vegetables. It seems to me that more often the ‘people’ are men, but sometimes they’re women; and, of course, it’s almost classic that kids frequently don’t like veggies. If you’re one of those who don’t really like veggies, is the constant reminder […]

Beet Tops and Backyard Farming

July 17, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of my favorite poet/writers said, “The glory of the farmer is that, in the division of labors, it is his part to create.” He goes on to say, “The food which was not, he causes to be.” Emerson, of course, lived in a different time, but I very much believe that […]

Sweet Benefits of a Summer Garden

July 10, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

You probably know how nutritious dark green leafy veggies are; but are you worried that the children won’t like them, or that you won’t like them? My vegetable garden is bountiful with Swiss chard, which is a big surprise, because the quail that live in our woodsy yard were totally convinced that my first plantings […]

Facing Down the Far Corner of the Fear Closet

May 22, 2012 by Joyce Bunderson

You’ve probably figured out, if you’ve been coming here for a long time, that I’m always happy to read about new research that supports healthy life-style habits. Today I’m writing about two studies that both found evidence that what we eat is related to keeping our brainpower revved up. I’m sure that I’m not the […]

Using the Word “Mediterranean” is No Substitute for the Real Thing

April 27, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week I reported on the offering of a pair of green colored capsules instead of actually eating a Mediterranean diet. It is clear that the strong research on the benefits of the Mediterranean style of eating is becoming well known. Predictably, marketers are trying to link their products to these benefits. Trouble is, the […]

Exulting in the Unthinkable

April 19, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

This past Saturday, the week before Easter, we had an annual event that brings anticipation and smiles to our grandchildren each year.  I call it Easter Egg Extravaganza Event – yes, I get a little excessive with the alliteration. This year there were 805 plastic money-filled eggs hidden, over our acre of gardens and hillsides. […]

Mother Nature Offers Protection from Cancer and Obesity

April 5, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses the link between overweight/obesity and cancer risk and how to reduce the risk.

An Ounce of Prevention

April 1, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses recent Alzheimer Disease research and shares a quick curry recipe.