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Gringo Confetti

January 15, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma shares a recipe for making a fairly mild chili with lots of vegetables – a chili designed for adaption.

Beautiful Comforting Soup in January

January 14, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma encourages the comforts and health of soup; and shares an easy recipe that can be made in a hurry.

Trading-Up to Healthy Foods instead of Dieting

January 11, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma shares hints, recipes and pictures to motivate you to start your day with a healthy meal.

To Brighten Up Dreary Days

January 8, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma shares nutrition information and recipes for using citrus – mostly oranges.

Hurry Day Dinner

January 7, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma gives the steps of a hurry day dinner that will meet your needs of moving toward a Mediterranean diet or diabetic diet.

How Fast Is Your Fast Food?

December 22, 2009 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma tells and shows how to make ‘fast food’ at home.

More Vegetables? – Try a Frittata

December 16, 2009 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma tells how serving a vegetable frittata can be yummy, healthy, and easy.

Santa’s Belly – No Laughing Matter

December 14, 2009 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma share hints for Santa’s waistline and health.

Getting Full on Fewer Calories

December 11, 2009 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses how eating whole grains can lead to eating less food and ultimately maintaining a lower weight.

Colorful Real Food

December 9, 2009 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma notices that an ordinary day’s real foods offer many of the colors of antioxidants sold in pricy bottles.