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Autumn Pumpkin Alert

September 10, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Here in the mountain west, autumn has put her nose under the tent, and like the camel in the old story, will soon nudge herself all the way in. In our town, we blessedly haven’t had frost yet; but up on the mountainside we can see the trees and shrubs beginning to change to their […]

Beginning to Prove What We Eat Really Does Matter

August 20, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Are you still dedicated to transitioning to the Mediterranean-style of eating? How are you doing? I hope well. Or are you new to the idea? The Mediterranean-style of eating is certainly not the latest fad diet, but it continues to amass a mound of statistical and epidemiological evidence that makes moving toward it worthy of […]

Incremental Change – The Real Game

July 16, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I know that case studies are not powerful; statistically speaking that is. But I must confess that I really enjoy reading case studies of those who have lost weight – made lasting change to their eating style. Besides the joy of reading about someone’s success, what cases do offer are ideas about what might work […]

Fishy, But Good

July 2, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Thirteen plus years ago I moved to the mountain west from southern California; among the many differences that I noted, were that there seemed to be more people that didn’t eat fish. What I really mean is that I’ve met many people who had not even tasted fish – ever. Growing up with a grandfather […]

Much Ado about Veggies

June 11, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Elite athletes have traditionally focused upon large servings of animal protein, but even athletes trying to improve their performance are discovering plant-based diets. Is this move toward plants a signal for the rest of us? What’s going on? What are the athletes discovering? Why take a second look at veggies? A study published on line […]

Long-Awaited Summer

June 4, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

The markings on the thermometer have begun to rise, but that’s not what’s really telling me that summer is here. It started with a Memorial Day picnic and it has continued since then with gatherings for graduations, a farewell, a birthday party, a baptism, a ‘welcome home,’ and a ‘nice that you’re here in town.’  […]

Mediterranean-Style Eating Continues to Shine

May 28, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

May is National Mediterranean Diet Month. Since May 2013 is winding down in just a couple of days, I hope we do not limit our celebration/recognition of the Mediterranean-style of eating to the merry month of May; but hopefully, make it a practice every week. I hope you are all making progress on moving toward […]

Greek Yogurt – Let Me Count the Ways

May 14, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Yogurt is an old food; actually it’s one of the oldest known to mankind. I assume that since Greece was one of the early civilizations, that they’ve had plenty of time to practice making extraordinary yogurt. The makers of Greek yogurt use different bacterial cultures than our regular American-style yogurt. Those cultures and the straining […]

From Tobacco to Chickpeas

May 7, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

There’s something warm and fuzzy about the feeling I had when I opened the April 30, 2013 Wall Street Journal article, Hummus Is Conquering America. In this article I learned that Virginia farmers who were accustomed to growing tobacco on their beautiful, fertile ground, are embarking on the growing of chickpeas. Yes, they’re going to […]

A New Reason to Eat Greens

April 30, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Of course you know that eating dark green leafy greens is good for you; after all, your mom, your grandmother, Popeye and Dr. Grandma have all told you so. And certainly, let’s not forget Dr. Ancel Keys, who published his book, How to Eat Well and Stay Well the Mediterranean Way. Without doubt, owning a […]