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Leading the Pack

February 18, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland talks about the importance of exercise for children.

Sweetheart, Your Heart Is So Very Dear to Me

February 11, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma shares information to help you sustain a healthy heart. In addition, she shares a recipe for Curly Mustard Greens and Onions – part of a heart healthy meal.

This is NEAT!

February 9, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses NEAT ways to burn calories and up your metabolism without exercising. She also shares a recipe for Delightful Flourless Orange Cake.

Singing ‘Get Off Your SoFAS’

February 2, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma reviews the highlights of the new Dietary Guidelines. In addition, she shares a recipe for Lively Colorful Fruits, Vegetables and Wheat Berries.

No Excuses

January 14, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses techniques for getting past your excuses. She also shares a recipe for great tasting brussel sprouts.

Ratatouille and a Gray Winter Day

January 12, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma discusses her dream of helping others improve their nutritional status. In addition, she shares a recipe for Flavorful Ratatouille Soup.

Getting the Most from Your Workouts

January 7, 2011 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland shares ways to improve the effectiveness of workouts and a quick and easy recipe for Vegetable Soup with a Mexican Flair

Made from Actual Food

January 5, 2011 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma shares the joy of reading a NY Times article by Mark Bittman, who observes the benefits of eating actual food. In addition, she gives ideas for beginning to make permanent changes in eating and exercise – the end of the perennial quest for unsustainable quick weight-loss.

New Directions

December 31, 2010 by Mary Ireland

Mary Ireland discusses overcoming ingrained ideas about eating, including the use of small tapas type meals.

Resolving to Escape the McVictim Syndrome

December 29, 2010 by Joyce Bunderson

Dr. Grandma shares ideas from three articles that may ultimately lead us to improved health. In addition, she shares a recipe for Chickpea, Kale and Wheat Berry Soup.