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Cheerios Caught in Labeling Slight of Hand

November 17, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

I want to start today’s article with an example of why we need to pay attention to how much sugar is in our food – especially our processed food. On November 10, 2015 ABC News reported on a class action lawsuit against General Mills. The lawsuit has to do with the fact that General Mills […]

Today’s Not a Victory Day – It’s a Coward’s Day

May 12, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

I was just glancing at today’s news and noticed that the bill that proposed labels on sugar-sweetened beverages in California to warn of diabetes, obesity and tooth decay was allowed to die in committee. The California Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Safety Warning Act SB203, fell short in a vote at the Senate Health committee, with four senators […]

Trouble with the Term “Processed”

March 31, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

I attended Utah Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2015 this past Thursday and Friday. Personally, I believe that it was the best conference, with the most informed presenters that this state organization has offered. One of their presenters was Amy Myrdal Miller, MS, RDN. She had an engaging, appealing and enjoyable presentation style. To begin […]

Food Trends to Consider

January 20, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

I stumbled upon an article titled: Consumers will eat more seeds and less red meat in 2015, dietitians predict; Elizabeth Crawford wrote it. The title really caught my eye because the research supports the idea that health would be improved by eating less red meat and more seeds. So like many health enthusiasts, I immediately […]

Old Story – Evidence Ever Stronger

January 13, 2015 by Joyce Bunderson

There is neither a single food nor single group of foods that can be consumed that offer optimal health. Balance and variety are an important aspect of diet. If we want not only to be healthy, but also to enjoy our meals, then we should remember balance and variety. We should be very mindful of […]

Chocolate Season

December 2, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve heard it said that Chocolate Season begins with Halloween and ends with New Year’s resolutions. I’m certain that’s just a joke, because as anyone who fills Easter Eggs knows – most of the children enjoy chocolate candy in their eggs and Easter never falls between Halloween and the first of January. It seems to […]

Breakfast, Easy and Nourishing

October 7, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

Are you trying to get into an early morning breakfast routine? One easy way is to throw a box or two of cold cereal and a jug of milk on the table. My guess is that is exactly what goes on in many homes – no real research, just a stroll down the cereal isle. […]

Alzheimer’s Cure – More Than One Easy Step

September 9, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

Don’t you just love it when all it takes is one easy step, one easy change and you’ve solved a problem?  I do.  I know with many public health problems, that’s exactly how they seemed to be solved. I realize that finding out about just adding a vitamin, mineral or developing a vaccine or medication […]

Sow’s Ears, Silk Purses and Celebrity Chefs

August 26, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week before leaving town for a few days, an article caught my attention.  Associated Press writer Candice Choi wrote the article, the article that I’m referring to is: McDonald’s attempts to dispel its long-held junk food image. I read the article in my local newspaper, but wanted to refer you to a digital copy […]

Moderation and Portion Size for Junk Food

August 19, 2014 by Joyce Bunderson

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) has a position statement called the Total Diet Approach to Healthy Eating, which was published in February 2013. There was nothing new about the AND’s statement when it came out: “All foods can fit within this pattern if consumed in moderation with appropriate portion size and combined with […]