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Re-educate Your Palette to Flavorful Whole Grains

August 13, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Some years ago, I enjoyed a conversation with a school food service director from the city in which my family and I lived. I’ve never forgotten her explanation of the challenges she faced in taking advantage of using the whole foods available from the USDA surplus school nutrition commodity program. She explained that when she […]

Weight Loss without Deprivation

July 30, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Have you seen the story about New York City medical doctors writing prescriptions for fruits and vegetables? Patients receive a $2 voucher for each member of their family, to use on fruits and vegetables. One 11-year old boy, Ty-J Futch lost 40 pounds since he started the program last year. Indeed, the family of five […]

Sugar Train Wreck

July 22, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Sometimes being a dietitian/nutritionist provides the opportunity for an imaginary movie to appear right before my eyes. The latest experience happened on Wednesday when our daily community newspaper hit the breakfast counter along with National Geographic’s August 2013 issue. My imaginary movie was a train wreck; the following are some details of the wreck. The […]

Incremental Change – The Real Game

July 16, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I know that case studies are not powerful; statistically speaking that is. But I must confess that I really enjoy reading case studies of those who have lost weight – made lasting change to their eating style. Besides the joy of reading about someone’s success, what cases do offer are ideas about what might work […]

Supersized Issues

July 9, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Are you one of those people that find it easier to do something for someone else, than for yourself? Maybe focusing on the needs of others and the needs of earth will be the key to healthy progress. On July 4, 2013 CNN World published an environmental article called, How supersized portions cost the earth […]

Trans Fat Problem Solved – Think Again

June 25, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve been telling friends for quite a while, to beware of the ‘zero trans fats’ on food labels; and have encouraged reading the ingredient portion of the label. In addition, I’ve encouraged them to avoid food products that list “partially hydrogenated” in the ingredient list. Of course most of us have known for a long […]

Eating Bugs – Solving the Ick Factor

June 18, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Choosing today’s topic began by simply glancing at our subscription of Sierra Magazine’s cover (July/August 2013 issue) – a darling little girl with a bug leg hanging out of her cute little pink rosebud lips, her hand clutching a popsicle stick on which was impaled a large beetle with the portion missing around the right […]

From Tobacco to Chickpeas

May 7, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

There’s something warm and fuzzy about the feeling I had when I opened the April 30, 2013 Wall Street Journal article, Hummus Is Conquering America. In this article I learned that Virginia farmers who were accustomed to growing tobacco on their beautiful, fertile ground, are embarking on the growing of chickpeas. Yes, they’re going to […]

Eating Like a Caveperson

April 23, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve been thinking that the general public would probably not fall for the Paleo diet; but it looks like there’s always a draw to try something new, weird or different. There is little or no valid research showing that the Paleo diet can solve the challenges of modern man; but it appears that some are […]

On Gaining a Modicum of Empathy

April 9, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

By the time you’re my age you begin to really believe that you know yourself; you know the principles that you embrace; how you would decide on many issues and, well….. just who you are. Today is the second time in the past ten years that I felt like I ran into a wall. That […]