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Beginning to Prove What We Eat Really Does Matter

August 20, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Are you still dedicated to transitioning to the Mediterranean-style of eating? How are you doing? I hope well. Or are you new to the idea? The Mediterranean-style of eating is certainly not the latest fad diet, but it continues to amass a mound of statistical and epidemiological evidence that makes moving toward it worthy of […]

The Sweetness of Fruit, including Cotton Candy Grapes

August 6, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Last week I read a story about a fruit breeder in Kern County – a rural part of California where I enjoyed shooting the rapids, floating down the Kern River and exploring the mountains during my preteen and teenage years. One on my numerous childhood memories of the ‘50s and ‘60s was the drive to […]

Weight Loss without Deprivation

July 30, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Have you seen the story about New York City medical doctors writing prescriptions for fruits and vegetables? Patients receive a $2 voucher for each member of their family, to use on fruits and vegetables. One 11-year old boy, Ty-J Futch lost 40 pounds since he started the program last year. Indeed, the family of five […]

Sugar Train Wreck

July 22, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Sometimes being a dietitian/nutritionist provides the opportunity for an imaginary movie to appear right before my eyes. The latest experience happened on Wednesday when our daily community newspaper hit the breakfast counter along with National Geographic’s August 2013 issue. My imaginary movie was a train wreck; the following are some details of the wreck. The […]

Incremental Change – The Real Game

July 16, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I know that case studies are not powerful; statistically speaking that is. But I must confess that I really enjoy reading case studies of those who have lost weight – made lasting change to their eating style. Besides the joy of reading about someone’s success, what cases do offer are ideas about what might work […]

Fishy, But Good

July 2, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Thirteen plus years ago I moved to the mountain west from southern California; among the many differences that I noted, were that there seemed to be more people that didn’t eat fish. What I really mean is that I’ve met many people who had not even tasted fish – ever. Growing up with a grandfather […]

Trans Fat Problem Solved – Think Again

June 25, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

I’ve been telling friends for quite a while, to beware of the ‘zero trans fats’ on food labels; and have encouraged reading the ingredient portion of the label. In addition, I’ve encouraged them to avoid food products that list “partially hydrogenated” in the ingredient list. Of course most of us have known for a long […]

Eating Bugs – Solving the Ick Factor

June 18, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Choosing today’s topic began by simply glancing at our subscription of Sierra Magazine’s cover (July/August 2013 issue) – a darling little girl with a bug leg hanging out of her cute little pink rosebud lips, her hand clutching a popsicle stick on which was impaled a large beetle with the portion missing around the right […]

Much Ado about Veggies

June 11, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

Elite athletes have traditionally focused upon large servings of animal protein, but even athletes trying to improve their performance are discovering plant-based diets. Is this move toward plants a signal for the rest of us? What’s going on? What are the athletes discovering? Why take a second look at veggies? A study published on line […]

Long-Awaited Summer

June 4, 2013 by Joyce Bunderson

The markings on the thermometer have begun to rise, but that’s not what’s really telling me that summer is here. It started with a Memorial Day picnic and it has continued since then with gatherings for graduations, a farewell, a birthday party, a baptism, a ‘welcome home,’ and a ‘nice that you’re here in town.’  […]